13 June
2018 -
3rd Trenchless Romania – Conference & Exhibition
Why dig – when there are trenchless solutions?
Trenchless Romania is one of the region´s most significant conference and exhibition focusing on Trenchless Technologies. Trenchless Technologies are pioneering techniques which combine economic efficiency and environmental protection thus providing a modern approach for the installation, replacement or renewal of all underground utilities from, water, sewer, gas, and industrial pipelines to electrical conduit and fibre optics with minimum excavation and surface disruption.
Trenchless Technologies are particularly favorable construction methods in urbanized areas with heavy vehicular and pedestrian traffic and numerous existing underground utilities. Trenchless Technologies are an optimal solution for crossing roadways and other transportation corridors as weel as rivers and waterways. Trenchless construction methods can also be used to install, rehabilitate or replace underground utilities located in environmentally sensitive areas and locations where surface access may be restricted due to the existence of structures or vegetation. Often, trenchless techniques are the only viable construction option. Trenchless techniques are also often the least costly option as well as the least disruptive.
The event will showcase machinery, products and services from international manufacturers and providers attracting top quality audiences from around the region whose aim is to expand their knowledge and experience the latest technologies for the installation and refurbishment of underground utilities.

Click on the photo to view the complete photo album.
Speakers 2018
(confirmed speakers until 28.05.2018)Andra Petrescu
Host of eventDr. Klaus Beyer
Secretary GSTTWhy Trenchless Technologies?
Mark Andre Haebler
Vicechairman Austrian Association of Trenchless Technology (AATT)Process descriptions in Trenchless Technologies
Sebastian Schwarzer
Regional Sales Manager TRACTO-TECHNIK GmbH & Co. KGTrenchless Installation of House ConnectionsCurrent state of art and a view into the futures developments with the Keyhole Technology
Dymitr Petrow-Ganew
Area Sales Manger, Herrenknecht AGLong steel pipelines crossings with HDD and Direct Pipe technology
Marius Popp
Export Director Romania Funke GruppeSpecial fittings for sewerage systems
Ron Van Dam
General Manager, Romned Industrial Foundation EquipmentTrenchless Technologies for Smart Cities
Corina Durlescu
ENCON Smart Tech SRLNo dig technologies, the way to a Smarter City
Marcello Viti
Trenchless Manager ANESEProject Mose- Connection of the Arsenale to Isola Nuova (Optic Fiber under the Venice Lagoon)
Cosmin Ticu
Sr. Sales Manager SABICSABIC's polyofelin solution for trenchless pipe installation
Peter Lorenz
Raedlinger Primus Line GmbHTrenchless rehabilitation of pressure pipelines using a Kevlar reinforced lining system.
Sanem Gokay
Geological Engineer CETCO Mineral Technologies MerciCetco Drilling Products – Got Mud
Adrian Botezatu
Contracting and Study Manager- Terratest Geotehnic S.A.Micro tunneling and International Experience
Michele Libraro
Director WPR Water Pipe RehabilitationPipe-Jacking jobsites and pipe rehabilitation with relining technology
Poza Daniel Hotaranu
Commercial Representative WPR Water Pipe RehabilitationPipe-Jacking jobsites and pipe rehabilitation with relining technology
Trenchless Romania – Conference Registration
The conference attendance is free of charge for network operators, planning offices/engineers and scientific institutes.
For all other persons the fee is 99 € plus VAT.
Trenchless Romania – Awards
The papers for Trenchless Romania Awards, 13th of June 2018 is now open! All companies interested are invited to submit a 300-word abstract (in English) outlining the scope of their project and the principal benefits to the trenchless industry. The abstracts should be submitted to maria.nae@masinisiutilaje.ro until the 1st of April 2018. The abstracts must contain the following information:
- Title of Project
- Trenchless Category/Section: e.g., Management, New Construction, Rehabilitation/Renovation etc. (water, wastewater, electricity, district heating, gas etc.)
- Author’s Name
- E-mail Address
- Brief Description of Paper, Abstract in English of no more than 500 words, images and video of the projects
Papers accepted for presentation will be published on the homepage www.trenchless-romania.com
Contact person: Maria NAE, Project Manager · Tel: +40 724 550 830 · maria.nae@masinisiutilaje.ro
Trenchless Romania - Contact
Audienta Generala AG
Masini Utilaje
Strada Roma, Nr. 16
Ap. 2, Sector 011774
Person to contact: Maria Nae
+40724 550 830
Contact in Germany
Person to contact: Thorsten Schulte
+49 (0) 2723 808-246